Publication date: 27/05/2024

Examining board:

Namesort descending Role
ROBSON LOUREIRO Examinador Interno
SUSANA SOUTO SILVA Examinador Externo

Summary: In Angústia (1936) there is an evident brutalization of human feelings, the story is told
by Luís da Silva in a harrowing and imprecise speech, which is contaminated by failure,
by the terrible obsession and by the destruction that befalls himself and the other. The
psychic deformation of this character, who has an aggressive frustration and a
corrosive conscience, leads him to a mental imbalance that culminates in delirium –
the imaginative character of his story –, in exaltation of violence – the desire for the act
and admiration of violent situations – and in the murder of his rival - the fight against
the world. Here, we propose to bring together all the aspects that configure the
character as a deformed man, thinking of deformation as a set of social exploitation
that damages man, analyzing how this expresses the projections he makes of himself,
Marina and others. characters, determined by the anguish of their speech and by the
resentful and contradictory look of the narrative.

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