General Information

Welcome to Graduate Program in Literature (PPGL) (PPGL) at Ufes

The Graduate Program in Literature (PPGL) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) was established in 1994 and officially recognized by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Suport and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) in 1999.

The Academic Master's Program in Literature (30 credits) was recognized by Ordinance 1057/99, issued on November 10, 1999, by the Higher Education Commission (CES) of the National Education Council (CNE), and ratified by the Ministry of Education (MEC) through Ordinance No. 1762, dated December 16, 1999, and published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Government (DOU) on December 17, 1999.

The Academic Doctoral Program in Literature (50 credits) received recognition via CNE/CES Ordinance 78/2010, dated April 7, 2010, and was ratified by Ordinance No. 1045, published in the in the Official Gazette of the Federal Government on August 19, 2010, Section 1, Page 10.

The programs are structured into academic semesters (two per year) and feature mandatory and elective activities and courses. They prioritize guided research conducted within groups and research centers linked to specific projects and research lines, under the supervision of experienced faculty.

Since the program’s inception in 1994, hundreds of Master's and Doctoral degrees have been conferred. A significant portion of these graduates are now active in teaching (both in public and private institutions) across elementary, secondary, and higher education levels. Approximately one-third of the current permanent faculty are alumni of the program.

A considerable number of graduates from the Master’s and Doctoral programs actively participate in the program’s events (lectures, debates, seminars, conferences, and publications). This ongoing engagement has allowed the program to benefit annually from their valuable contributions to academic discussions and scholarly output. Another noteworthy indicator is that many Master’s program graduates return to pursue their Doctoral studies within the program, reflecting their confidence and satisfaction with the collective work being carried out.

To enhance the quality of PPGL/UFES, the program’s self-assessment committee has met frequently since 2011 to develop, discuss, and implement strategies for refining and improving all activities. Faculty accreditation and re-accreditation are conducted annually, ensuring that faculty members who may be recommended for de-accreditation can complete any ongoing supervisory commitments, thereby safeguarding the continuity of student research and academic training.

PPGL/UFES operates under general and adjunct coordination and is organized into Permanent Committees (Self-Assessment and Planning; Scholarships and Student Monitoring; Communications and Events; Teaching; Internationalization; Student Admissions), a General Editorial Office, and the Coordination of the Center for Studies and Research on Espírito Santo Literature (Neples).

The program maintains a rigorous, monthly, and systematic tracking system for student credits and deadlines.

One of PPGL/UFES's strongest and most traditional characteristics is its interdisciplinarity and its engagement with diverse areas of knowledge. Another key strength is its regional presence, as it is the only academic Graduate Program in Literature in the state of Espírito Santo.

Our meeting minutes, regulations, and forms are publicly available on our website. The program also provides free access to digital books and e-books resulting from research conducted by PPGL/UFES faculty and students. We invite visitors to explore the menu tabs on the left-hand side of our webpage.

The program is based in -ES, offering the course of MA in Literatures since 1999 e the course of PhD in Literatures since 2010 and has an academic qualification profile certified by CAPES, receiving 5 on its last evaluation.

The program already has 284 masters and 135 doctors and counts with 64 students regularly enrolled, being 23 in the masters and 41 in the doctorate.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910