Publication date: 29/07/2021

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Summary: Starting from a data exposition that situates reading as a challenging issue for the
Brazilian education, we place our dissertation within the scope of literary reading in
school environment, particularly problematizing the issue of teaching literary reading
in the high school context. Many researchers in the field (AGUIAR; BORDINI, 1988;
ZILBERMAN, 1986; LEAHY-DIOS, 2000; CEREJA, 2004; DALVI, 2013b, 2014) have
recognized for some time that the teaching of literature is limited to the use of texts –
or fragments – to exemplify literary schools in lectures have not collaborated with the
objectives of teaching Literature, nor have generated effective social practices of
literary reading. In this scenario, we intend to offer methodological principles and
guidelines that aim to the full reading of literary texts with high school students and the
development of pedagogical practices that consider the literary text not as a product
of the environment (direct consequence of a given social context, articulated to a given
literary school), but as a human creation that has a complex origin and purpose and
that extrapolates the schematism given by the direct link between historical context,
period or literary school and exemplary text (representative of characteristics
attributed to the period or literary school). We aim, through the mediation of a thematic
literary reading, to provide opportunities for the appropriation of the most sophisticated
set of knowledge historically produced by humanity and essential for the full
development of the individual. We established, therefore, as the general objective of
this dissertation, through a theoretical-bibliographic research, to systematize principles
and guidelines for pedagogical work in school context, which unfold into a proposal for
thematic reading of literary texts at high school level. For this, we based ourselves in
the conceptual notions of dialogism, theme, and responsiveness, drawn from the
Bakhtin Circle; in reflections on the relationship between literature and reading by
Antonio Candido; in Lev Vygotski conception of mediation; and in the historical-critical
pedagogical theory, as collective development. We selected the theme Family
Relations to be the motto for the analysis of four texts (História de Passarinho, by
Lygia Fagundes Telles; Passeio Noturno, by Rubem Fonseca; Boitempo, by Carlos
Drummond de Andrade; Minha Vida de Menina, by Helena Morley) in order to favor an
understanding of the symbolic, formal and historical aspects present in literary
language. With this work, we seek to contribute to the promotion of a dialogical and
meaningful literary reading, based on the premise that educational practice must
always aim at the omnilateral human formation of a subject who will socially interact
and constitute the collectivity, transforming reality.
Keywords: Literature Teaching. Thematic literary reading. Mediation. High school.
Omnilateral human formation.

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