Publication date: 20/02/2020

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Examining board:

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The autofiction has attracted the attention of a range of scholars since the term was coined in
1977 by French professor and theorist Serge Doubrovsky. In the last decades, the main
researches about the device include the study of themes such as gender, reception and
aesthetic effects in works read as autofictions. However, the autofiction also raises ethical
questions: in contemporary times, cases of people who resort to justice proliferate because
they feel that their right to privacy has been violated in novels whose author reveals their own
lives and those of others. In these quarrels and controversies involving autofiction works there
are writers on the one hand who demand their right to expression and, on the other, people
portrayed in these novels who do not want to have their intimacy exposed. Assuming the
importance of a discussion around these ethical issues and considering that this theme is still
incipiently discussed in brazilian academic production, this thesis intends to investigate how
justice systematizes and evaluates the writer's attitude in these processes. For the development
of this investigation, i will consider the following questions: is there censorship in recent
literary production? Does writing about others, starting with the closest ones, about which
great comments are made, require the writer's responsibility? How to narrate the other in
works read from the perspective of autofiction? These questions will be related to french
novels L‘Inceste (1999) and Les Petits (2011), by Christine Angot, Édouard Louis‘s Histoire
de la violence (2016), and Serge Doubrovsky‘s Le Livre brisé (1989); as well as Ricardo
Lísias‘ brazilian Divórcio (2013) and Bernardo Kucinski‘s Os Visitantes (2016), looking for a
detailed analysis of how writers place themselves and others on the scene, adjusting the focus
to purposes of these choices and their consequences both for the life of the author and for the
lives of those involved. To this end, i will use a theoretical contribution regarding the topics
discussed. In summary: a) to address the notions of author: Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault,
Giorgio Agamben and Roger Chartier; b) Regarding the responsibility of the writer: Gisèle
Sapiro and Agnès Tricoire; c) about literature as an institution and the freedom it provides for
―all say‖: Jacques Derrida; and d) regarding ethical action: Marilena Chaui.
Keywords: Autofiction. Justice. Responsibility. Ethic. Liberty of Literary Creation

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