Publication date: 03/05/2018
Examining board:
Name | Role |
MICHELE FREIRE SCHIFFLER | Internal Alternate * |
Summary: The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss in the book A river called a time a house called
earth (2003), written by Mia Couto, the ancestral question as an aesthetic resource for the
rescue of the tradition, because the ancestry is the basis of experience of Black African
cultures. For this, the dialogue is established from readings on culture in the afro-centered and
pan-Africanist perspective, with reference to Achille Mbembe and other theoreticians,
especially blacks and Africans. The research demands a conceptualization about the term
ancestrality, which directs the research to discussions through, mainly, the studies carried out
by Fábio Leite, Eduardo de Oliveira, Pe. Raul Altuna e Irene Dias de Oliveira. In this search,
reflections on the Traditional Bantu Religion, as well as its close relationship with the
ancestral question were brought to the analysis. The process requires a transition through
values, customs, beliefs and the African-African way of being and being in the world, with
reference to the varied cultural complexes, in particular, the Bantu culture.
Keywords: Mozambican literature. Mia Couto. Ancestry. Tradition.